Monday, August 12, 2013

At long last

Ah, here we are again.

The last time I had a blog, it was because I was a world traveler- venturing all over and doing exciting new things at every turn. Now, I have a blog because my life is at that unsure-I'm-24-and-kind-of-confused-about-where-to-go-slash-what-to-do-next point. Yayyyy. But Mom always said I should write. So here I am. Taking Mom's advice. (Hi Mom.)

I also had the idea of starting a blog with two of my nearest and dearest friends. Almost as a way of keeping in touch with each other since we are now living in three separate corners of the country. So hopefully that will come to fruition soon, but don't hold your breath. (Remember, I'm 24 and unsure of just about everything.)

Anyways, so to bring all you readers (or non-readers) up to speed, here is a summation of my life since last I wrote. (Which I believe was in 2011. Oy.)

After completing my two internships- one in Bermuda and one in Vancouver- I moved home to Minnesota. Since adult life couldn't be put off for much longer, shortly thereafter I got a job at a facility in central Florida, which is where I have been for the past year and a half. Here is a list of how I feel about my job:

  • There are things I love about my job
  • There are things I like about my job
  • There are things in my job about which I feel indifferently
  • There are things I dislike about my job
  • There are things I hate about my job
I'm sensing this list can be applied to most normal peoples' jobs. Everyone is constantly asking me about my job, and I could go on for ages about it, but I wish I could just give them the list and be done with it. There are pros and cons to everything, but lately I've been feeling the need for a change. Who knows what'll happen, but that's just where I'm at right now.

So I currently live in Orlando, FL. I do love the sunny weather and the palm trees. It is a bit odd to me though that on Thanksgiving and Christmas I have the option of wearing shorts due to the warm weather (but due to my northern upbringing I sweated it out in pants). I do not like the tourists and the drivers. Has anyone driven here?! I feel like I'm going crazy anytime I leave my parking lot. I recently visited my home state of Minnesota and I immediately felt at peace on the roads. I remember remarking to my mom how calm I felt, and said things along the lines of, 'I don't immediately feel like yelling at anyone' or 'They just used their blinker and merged properly, how nice!' So there's that. I've found that I will always have more faith in Minnesota drivers than Florida drivers.

I have two roommates, a lot of movies, and a complete lack of pets. I will admit the lack of pets part is a bit weird sometimes, being that I've grown up with animals around me always. Though one of my roommates does have two cute little brown and white rats, they stay in her room and we only see them if they venture out in their little rat ball. It does mean that we have the ability to leave the apartment whenever we like without worrying about the welfare of a fuzzy friend, so that is nice. We also do a fair amount of dogsitting for our more established and adult-like friends.

Anyways, I don't want to first post on this fresh new slate to be a long-winded ordeal, so I'd better leave it off here. Though come to think of it, the blog is called KG the Rambler, since I'm excellent at rambling. I'll ramble plenty about other things another time.

Hope all is well. Be good.

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